KS2 Outdoor maths activities Fragonwood activities
KS2 Primary school maths activities.
Maths activities designed to practice and embed key mathematical concepts outdoors.
Designed for KS2. Parts can be used for KS1 or Welsh Foundation Phase with suitable support.
Encourages engagement with practical mathematical activities.
Includes questions to explore to encourage use of mathematical vocabulary.
Many activities adaptable for indoor use with loose parts, natural or manmade.
KS2 Outdoor maths activities Fragonwood activities
KS2 Primary school maths activities.
Maths activities designed to practice and embed key mathematical concepts outdoors.
Designed for KS2. Parts can be used for KS1 or Welsh Foundation Phase with suitable support.
Encourages engagement with practical mathematical activities.
Includes questions to explore to encourage use of mathematical vocabulary.
Many activities adaptable for indoor use with loose parts, natural or manmade.
Maths Outdoor activities KS2 Fragonwood Tree Age Estimation
Use as a Maths Outside activity.
Accurate measuring of a tree girth in centimetres.
Calculation of estimated age using data gathered.
Conversion of m to cm.
Averaging a series of measurements.
Comparing growth rates.
Estimate of age v. actual age.
‘Measuring tool’ creation.
Can link with science of tree growth and variation of growth rates dependent on weather, climate and location.
Suitable for Y4 –Y6
Part of a set of Fragonwood activities for outdoor maths KS2.
Ideal for Forest school and home learning: cross curricula activity - maths, science and tool making.
A combination of a fact file on the UK Common Pipistrelle Bat and ten maths questions to find the answers.
A fun activity to fit with Halloween maths.
Maths and science combined.
Fragonwood Spring Bird Count Outdoor maths activities
Spring themed outdoor maths including nine bird images.
Data collection. Find birds to count.
Use Tally marks.
Find the total and calculate percentages.
Example given to use to demonstrate how to calculate percentages.
Extend activity by creating charts: pie chart, bar chart or pictograms.
These could be made using Excel or other software.
OR created using leaves or other loose materials outdoors.
Six sheets plus Teachers notes.
KS2 Primary school outdoor maths activities.
Part of Fragonwood series of outdoor maths activities.
Suitable for KS2.
Activities are designed in UK suitable for England and new Curriculum for Wales.
Encourages mathematical discussion to develop mathematical vocabulary and confidence.
Ideas can be used by KS1 and Wales Foundation Phase with suitable support.
Ideal for engaging Catchup activity in school, whole class or small groups.
Perfect for home learning.
A parent friendly resource.
For other Fragonwood Outdoor Maths ideas search TES resources or
google Fragonwood.